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control cabinets
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and repairs
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and maintenance systems
Remote monitoring
5 / 5
About us
We specialize in designing, programming and commissioning new and used machines, as well as in maintenance in production plants.
We offer professional services in the field of technical consulting, planning, execution and service.
To meet the expectations of our Clients, we offer a comprehensive package of design services; we program and implement complex visualization systems and operator panels.

Consultation on the implementation of new production solutions
designs of automation and control installations
Repair of
machine automation
Design of industrial
automation systems
outsourcing services of programmers and automation specialists
prefabrication of control cabinets
Modernisation of
Implementation of modern control
and supervision solutions
We develop turnkey applications, including commissioning, operator training, as well as warranty and post-warranty service.
We also cooperate as subcontractors with other companies.
They trusted us

Industrial robots and their tasks
Progressing robotisation is a fact. More and more often robots are used in our country as well. And moreover, in companies representing a wide range of industries. As a matter of principle, Polish companies decide to implement robots in two situations, i.e. when...
Malfunctions in industrial plants. Avoid them effectively.
More and more often in the industrial processes are used solutions from the field of industrial automation. This fact can be very easily explained. Modern machines that replace personnel with repetitive tasks make fewer mistakes and also work much more efficiently. It...
Implementation of robotisation in 5 steps
Robotisation of production processes is certainly a great facilitation for every entrepreneur. However, it is important not to think that a single robot will be the solution to all the company's challenges. In addition, the implementation of robotisation must be...